We never take time off to think about our own oral health. This is something which is often overlooked but this shouldn’t be the scenario. In fact, oral health is a part of overall health. You cannot have a healthy oral cavity in an instance. It takes a lifetime of care and maintenance. It is important to take the necessary care and follow the simple daily habits that can help you to maintain your oral hygiene.
1. Regular Brushing
The simple and basic rule is brushing twice daily to keep your teeth in a happy state of health. Still the maximum population skips brushing before going to sleep at night. But brushing daily at night helps to get rid of germs and plaque that accumulates all day long.
2. Using soft bristle Brush
Toothbrush comes in varied sizes and shapes. You can choose according to your needs and preferences. We strongly recommend you to choose a soft bristle brush. Hard bristles often abrade your teeth to a great extent. Whereas using soft bristles gently cleans the teeth as well as being very less abrasive.
3. Don’t neglect soft tissue
Never skip cleaning your tongue. This is often the reason for having a bad breath. It also leads to other health problems. You can also use your brush to gently brush your teeth.
4. What gets removed by brushing
Only plaque and mild stains are to be removed by regular brushing. Never try to remove calcified calculus. This further damages the enamel of your teeth and the gums.
5. The right way to brush your teeth:
Place the brush at 45° angle to the front teeth and start Moving the brush in a small jiggling, circular motion. Clean all surfaces of the teeth thoroughly.
6. Get your teeth professionally clean:
Brushing and flossing at home can be helpful to maintain oral hygiene. But most of the time it is difficult for you to reach out the stain and calculus along the gum line. The professional person, a dentist or a dental hygienist, uses a special instrument named scaler that is specially designed to clean the teeth thoroughly.
7. Drink plenty of water Water:
is the best beverage without a doubt— which includes your oral health as well. Drinking water is advised after every meal. It helps to wash out any sticky and acidic foods and beverages that are sticking to your teeth.
8. Visit a dentist after every 6 month.
The everyday habits are very important and are crucial to maintain your oral health. Even the person who dutifully maintains oral hygiene needs to see a dentist regularly. At Least you should get yourself checked twice a year. Preventive measures are always better than prolonging a small condition that can lead to some serious issues.
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A word from
It is often quoted that the eyes are the window to the soul. But if you are really interested to know someone, see their smile. The first appearance of pearly whites makes the best first impression, while a close-lipped smile or having a bad breath tend to do the opposite.